Bathroom accesories from producer to consumer
You'll find many answers on bath furniture or special or customized items
L 'company is located in Tuscany in Colle di Val d'Elsa in the province of Siena, where there is a production center of Italian bathroom accessories Made in Italy. It is in these areas the place where are produced by brass bathroom furnishings for the most important Italian brands in the industry and is a guarantee of reliability and high product quality. Thirty years of experience in the industry enables us to propose toiletries secure and reliable as floor lamps, accessories, mirrors, magnifying mirrors and decorative objects constructed in a workmanlike manner and with the best materials, to give you strength and effectiveness with an excellent price / quality.
Each present article on this site was born in the factory, where you make all the light engineering as cutting, bending, welding, stamping, turning, milling, grinding, glazing, buffing and polishing. The finishing processes such as plating and painting are carried outside by companies. During assembly and packaging all items undergo a rigorous quality control by staff and only articles that correspond to all standards are put in shipment.