raw  chocolate
The chocolate that is good

The chocolate that is good

The chocolate that is good

12 February 2016 / Vegetarian vegan and raw recipes by Elisa

The chocolate that is good

Nine out of ten admit to love chocolate; The tenth person  is always lieing. "

John Q. Tillius
Thanks to the concentration of agents that modulate neurotransmitters, and to its unique chemistry, cocoa has potent psychoactive properties and stimulating the brain.
Cocoa manifests more psychoactive properties when eaten pure (without being mixed or heated). It also contains significant amounts essential amino acid tryptophan, a powerful nutrient that can improve mood. The presence of tryptophan in the diet is crucial for the production of serotonin, our main neurotransmitter. Once entered in our body, tryptophan reacts with vitamin B6 and vitamin B3 in the presence of magnesium to produce serotonin. An increase in serotonin helps reduce anxiety and increases the ability to defend themselves from stress.
We can therefore say that eating quality chocolate is good for body and mind.
Some  of the many benefits of cocoa:
- One of the richest sources of magnesium in nature
- Excellent source of serotonin, dopamine and phenylethylamine (three known neurotransmitters can alleviate depression)
-contains anandamide (N-arachidonoiletanolamina) known as "the molecule of joy" as is released when we feel good
Make a good chocolate is easier than you might credere.Basta choose the highest quality products I use those of raw food that you can find for sale on our website at a good price and a little imagination. I do always different and I can guarantee that once proven they can not do without. But we move from chat to the facts; the main ingredients are:
Enjoy your meal !!!!