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The spiral archetypal geometric evolution of life

The spiral archetypal geometric evolution of life

The spiral archetypal geometric evolution of life

24 March 2015 / The water source of life

The archetypal geometric evolution of life is spiraling.

All living creatures in their development follow this pattern. The Man is part of the universe and its life journey draws the energy and consciousness inherent in the structure of the universe.

The spiral is a curve that is built around a central point moving away progressively from it. As the galaxy, the life, the space.

There are various types of spiral, but the most linked to mathematical proportions, the logarithmic spiral, follows an exponential growth in harmony with the physical laws of the universe. The logarithmic spiral is everywhere the trace of life: seeds, flowers, fruits, animals, humans follow this pattern because it is played by a particular mathematical series, called the Fibonacci sequence, named after the Pisan mathematician who in '200 for the first deciphered. Fibonacci realized that life develops according to a particular progessione interpreted numerically due a fixed ratio, the infinite number Phi, whose first terms are 1.618034.

This number known to the ancients is important because it identifies the Golden Section, a ratio of the sides of a geometric figure already found in ancient cave paintings in churches and temples, as well as in the relations between the sides of some important ancient monuments, including the Parthenon in Athens The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Cathedral of Chartres. In practice, beyond religious or Masonic interpretations like  Pentacle the Fibonacci spiral interprets nature both physically and metaphysically.