
Florece city of art

Florece city of art

20 March 2015 / Welcome and Tourism

No Many cities in the world introduce one complex personality like Florence the city of art.

 A visit of few days or of a single day, concurs of having one first knowledge  of the city and to admire quickly someone of its many beauties, but not  allows to piercing in the personality of the city, in that one of the past like in that one of the present time.

To understand the deep spirit of the city and be conquered are required repeated visits

Florence is known as the city of the art, a city where the beauty is at home, this ordinary impression appears very founded if we think that we can find  in Florence , approximately a tenth one of Italian  artistic treasure.

the numerous churches are stretched in a large  area in which the roads the homogeneity of woven building and the light repeated changing of the roofs are transformed in unmistakable perspectives. 
That immense monumental area was in the past  enclosed in the third and more width circle of walls, built  between the end del the 1200's and the beginning del the 1300's . At this time (the years of Dante, Giotto, Arnolfo di Cambio ), the city had only  one hundred thousand inhabitants, but was one of most important city , not only of  Italy but also of  Europe ,

Of this walls today  only remain, , the feature of Oltrarno, nearly integral, and, here of Arno, the tower of the Zecca and the three doors remained isolated in the squares created along the principal avenues. This because  the demolitions made in the second half of the 1800's when  Florence was Italy’s Capital .