Remedies against eyes wrinkles

Remedies against eyes wrinkles

Remedies against eye wrinkles

26 February 2015 / Health Wellness and Beauty

Remedies against eye wrinkles


According to ancient Chinese medicine every wrinkle tells us about our health. 

Wrinkles around the eyes  with age expand and warn us that something is changing in our body.

Weather stress and smog put a strain on the skin. We have to scrubb, daily Moisturiser with vegetable flours, oils and mineral supplements.

In conjunction of seasonal changes even wrinkles of expression become clearer and visible: the freshness of the skin ,which makes the face brighter , sells quickly way to signs of fatigue and age,  the so-called Crow's feet on the sides of the eyes , and the doughnut stretch marks on her neck. Fight  wrinkles around the eyes means first and foremost fight fatigue with a depurative cure kidney consisting mainly in larger quantities of liquids and mineralising juices.

The accumulation of free radicals weaken tissue fiber: slag will slow down or even prevent the formation of collagen, the substance that makes your skin without wrinkles.

To stimulate the regeneration of the skin it is advisable to eat and drink  apple and apple juices , we recommend the dry extract of horsetail, silicon-rich, which plays a strong restructuring action of connective tissue and is therefore a great help to reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

A remedy is the wheat germ organic oil  , it is a potent stimulator of collagen and "bulldoze" wrinkles.

Very promising are the experimental results of some products made from olive leaves of most modern cosmeceutical research.