Chiral molecules and Homeopathy

chiral molecules and Homeopathy

Science Homeopathy and chiral molecules

15 June 2016 / The water source of life

Many molecules, both among those which are found in nature and those of synthesis, are chiral, meaning that they have the same chemical formula but are mirror images of the other, as the right hand and the left hand.
Many chemical-physical characteristics, as for example the boiling temperature, are identical for the two forms of a substance, defined enantiomers.
Until a few decades ago, molecules, people didn't worry  about the chirality of a drug, until it was realized that in living organisms the difference does exist, so that a certain enantiomer of a drug can be beneficial and the other toxic.
This means that during the evolution of life forms on the Earth have developed in some way a "preference", call homochirality, for certain chiral forms than other. And this applies in fundamental processes for the bodies: the DNA, for example, uses only one of the two enantiomers of the ribose sugar.
"How is it that all living things use a particular enantiomer of an amino acid over another? If we could rewind the tape of evolution of life and got there at its origin, we would observe the selection of this enantiomer as a result of a deterministic or random process? And if there is life in the universe, use the same enantiomers of life
on earth?"
Although the technique does not say anything on the abundance of each enantiomer, we expect ongoing studies pave the way for future comments that would suggest something about the origin dell'omochiralità and life in general, in particular it opens up new scenarios for the understanding of certain effects that make scientists debate about homeopathy.